Monday, March 12, 2012

Decompression Belt If back pain and back pain

The Decompression Belt, also known as Decompression Back Belt, is specially designed to lower back pain, tension and stiffness and designed to relieve back pain by specialist Dr. Michael Ho.

 The Decompression Belt is a proven technique endorsed by medical professionals used in the treatment of both upper and lower back pain, without the need for surgery or medication.

This article will further examine these Decompression Belt, because we think it can help many people with back pain or back pain. Jump directly to:

  1. How does it work?
  2. User
  3. The advantages
  4. Experiences 

How does it work?

The Decompression Belt is developed within 30 minutes to relieve back pain and is well. suitable for:

  • Chronic and acute back pain
  • Degenerative, herniated or bulging discs
  • Leg pain related to degenerative disc
  • Scoliosis-related pain
  • Spinal stenosis related pain
  • Sleep problems as a result of back pain
  • Sore back from sitting or driving
  • Sore backs of child and elderly care
  • Back pain from sports like golf, hockey, or tennis

But how exactly does the Decompression Belt. This is not easy to formulate in one sentence, but what it comes down to is that this belt ensures the following:

  • Decompress the spine joints and lower back discs
  • Lift and hold the upper body weight of the lower back
  • Stabilizes the lower back and improves posture
  • Strengthens the back and core
  • Stretch and relieve tight low back muscles
  • Relieves lower back pain and stiffness


Before following paragraphs explain how to use the Decompression Belt should please take note that you must have the correct belt size for an effective result. If after using the belt would not effect the necessary experience when you expected it is recommended to re-measure your waist to make sure that your belt Decompression is correct. Around your waist circumference correctly measure you should keep your breath and you measure your waist at the height of your navel. You should also be measured with a bare torso. Check your waist circumference with the size chart on the box of the Decompression Belt.

Now for the steps to be taken for proper use of the Decompression Belt.

  1. Belt must be worn over a layer of light clothing.
  2. Belt must be fully deflated before you pull it. Deflation can be done by turning the metal valve counterclockwise.
  3. Pull your belly while you strap to do. The strap must be placed very tight on your waist to work properly. Use an extension if necessary.
  4. Put the belt on your waist and pump it while standing for the best results.
  5. During the first week it is advisable that you wear belt 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes each time. This will help your muscles of your spine and to adapt to the effects of traction. After the first week is advisable you the belt at least 30 minutes a day helps to relieve experienced, but the belt can also be worn for as long as necessary.

Tip! For a faster and better lighting, go on your back with the leash and put a few pillows under your legs. If back pain is disturbing your sleep, try to sleep with the belt.


  • If you have a herniated disk, insert the belt slowly blow to peaceful and equal traction to apply.
  • In the first week, use the belt 20 to 30 minutes per session, 3 to 4 times a day. Once you feel better in the second week, you can then use the belt for a longer period of time or if you need it.
  • If you experience pain or discomfort after using the Decompression Belt, this may indicate that your back muscles are very tight and your back should stretch slowly and gradually, so that the tight muscles supple. If the pain persists, consult your doctor before using the belt resumes.


What makes the Decompression Belt so unique? That is, first, to its simplicity in use. Wrap the strap securely around your waist, connect the pump and pump the belt. If the belt is inflated with air extends vertically and stretch it in a pleasant way the lower back. This gentle traction helps to decompress the spinal disks and strained muscles to stretch and relax.

Because Decompression (HoPhysio Belt) fills with air, it is also not significant and very light so you can wear under your belt discreet everyday wear. Wear the belt for 30 minutes a day as a therapy to get rid of your back pain. Or wear it all day while you work and play as a "supportive" belt. You can even wear the belt during the night to get a good night's sleep to come.

The Decompression Belt is suitable for people of all ages and sizes, from young to old and from athletes to people with less (can) move.

Decompression Belt Size chart:

Waist size in cm
XS up to 79 cm
S 81 - 95 cm
M 96 to 108 cm
L 109 - 120 cm
XL 121 to 134 cm
XXL 135 to 147 cm

Decompression Belt Commercial

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