Friday, April 20, 2012

Slimming - Overweight

Slimming - Overweight

Overweight and obesity (very severe form of obesity) are increasingly common problems in the Western world. There are several reasons why people get fat, including genetic predisposition, disease, medication, excessive eating / drinking and too little exercise.

Childhood obesity is also increasing. Sweets, gaming and television are not good for health. Conscious diet and plenty of exercise are of utmost importance to health and weight.

Prevalence can be measured by means of the Quetelet index, also called Body Mass Index (BMI) is called. To calculate this index share the weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. If the BMI between 20 and 25, this is considered normal. Is the index between 25 and 30, we speak of moderate obesity. At an index of above 30, there is severe obesity.

For weight loss or weight loss support there, after consultation and prescription from a doctor, three effective drugs for weight loss:

- Xenical (Orlistat), a lipase inhibitor that is active locally in the stomach and intestinal upset.
- Reductil (Sibutramine), an agent that is active in the brains (unfortunately not now available).
- Acomplia (Rimonabant), a drug that acts on the receptors in your body (unfortunately not now available).

In addition, there Alli, that a smaller dose of the same active ingredient as Xenical contains (Orlistat). Alli is available without prescription.

The weight-loss medications are used in combination with increased exercise and a healthier diet. A healthy diet need not be difficult. Indeed, it is actually very nice, thinking of fresh fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables. To lose weight is certainly not always necessary to a strict and difficult diet. Simple adjustments in the amount and type of food in combination with a proper distribution of food intake over the day, sometimes do wonders.

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