Thursday, May 3, 2012

Anti-Aging Checklist: Do you feel healthier and look younger!

Looking for ways to live healthier and more youthful look? Here are a few tips in the ultimate form an anti-aging checklist. Do not wait until you fall apart - change the way you look at life today and start improving your health. You'll feel better, look better, feel healthier and be everything and this also contributes to a longer life!

  • Antioxidants (5 servings per day)
    • Antioxidants in brightly colored foods such as blueberries, sweet potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes and acai
  • Green and white tea (4 cups per day)
  • Red wine or grape juice (1 glass per day)
  • Fiber (25 grams per day)
    • Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice, wholemeal pasta and "100%" whole wheat bread
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are found in roasted or ground flax seed, walnuts, hemp, salmon and spirulina / chlorella algae
  • Olive oil (1 to 2 tablespoons per day)
    • The oil here is not heated to the boiling point, because then it loses its advantages
  • Get your heart rate up (3 times per week)
    • Calculate the heart rate you can use as a target during the movement exercises: 220 - [your age] x 0.80
    • Do strength training (30 minutes per week)
  • Yoga or meditation (5 minutes per day)
    • Let nitric oxide is released which relaxes the blood vessels
Sleep and Sex
  • Sleep (7 to 8 hours per night)
  • Monogamous sex (2 to 3 times per week)
  • Vitamin D (50 micrograms per day)
  • Calcium (600 mg twice daily) with Magnesium (200 mg twice daily)
  • DHA Omega-3 (600 mg per day)
  • Baby aspirin (2 per day, for a total of 162 milligrams)
  • Multi vitamins (take half in the morning and half in the evening)
    • The safe upper limit for vitamin A set at 3000 micrograms per day

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