Sunday, May 6, 2012

Depilator (Depishave): painless hair removal without irritation or stubble!

Painless hair removal without irritation or stubble!

Unwanted hair growth is a major problem for many women. Because the skin of the woman is more sensitive than the skin of the man, it is important to the hair on the right, painless way to remove it. The Depilator makes this possible is guaranteed. This device is specially designed for the sensitive female skin on the underarms, bikini and face. Depilator epilate without stubble and irritation, wherever and whenever you want!


Do you know this problem?

You make a long trip to the pool or the beach. You get there, but to your horror, you discover that your underarms, bikini line or other part of the body that you normally maintains smooth, forgot to wax. There goes your day out, because you can immediately return home. With our new compact hair removal device, Depilator this need never happen again!


Nose Hairs

Depilator is also very well suited to long, visible nose hairs. These hairs protect and prevent harmful substances in the nose and lungs, but if they get too long, things are often unhygienic and unkempt. Many men make them for that reason also shorter. Often a nose scissors and tweezers were used here, but with these two tools, there is a high risk of damage and inflammation in the nose. With Depilator make the nose hairs on a simple, painless way shorter.


Easy on a journey!

You can Depilator everywhere you go. Due to its small size 13cm x 1.5 cm it fits in any bag and toiletry bag. He is still smaller than most mascaras that many women with them. Ideal for your bikini line, underarms, but also your face with hair removal. And you do not use shaving cream or gel. The Depilator you can shave unwanted hair so that no stoppeltje to see. Make your skin soft and smooth and say goodbye to excess and unwanted hair!


More Benefits

-No rash, because it does not scrape on the skin like a knife
-No nicks or cuts
-No ingrown hairs
-No stubble
In good shape-shaving
-Smoother results



Electric shaving is better than using a knife

Shaving the shaver is composed of two plates which are seated against each other, and when turning on of the device moving up and down, so that all the hair can be removed with ease.



With the supplied attachment, it is possible to the hairs for shaving, shorter. This prevents more hairs come off while you do not want. All hairs to 4 cm can be cut. Help piece includes 2 sides: short and long. So you want your hair to remove.
Most women plucking their eyebrows with tweezers. This often causes pain, irritation and rash. Painless hair removal is the solution! Moreover, if a hair from the follicle is often drawn, it does not come back. So if you want a different eyebrow shape, or fuller eyebrows is often not possible after epilation. Painful plucking with tweezers now belongs to the past! To achieve the desired results, first use the included auxiliary piece. , Which sees to it that the shorter bristles are made in place of shaved. Work is always of the eyebrow off.


Maintenance Depilator

The Depilator comes with a handy velvet bag to store it, a bit of help you get the hair is shorter, the hair from a brush to remove the device and a vial of liquid that you used for the maintenance of the metal movable plates on the head of the Depilator. You should periodically drop of liquid on the plate links. Pictures are thus much less likely to flounder. The shaving of the Depilator can be clicked off, to inside the hair removal. Regular dry cleaning prevents wear on the machine so the quality is better preserved. Depilator operates on 1 AAA battery


Experiences Reviews


Kimberly from Doetinchem

This device is absolutely great! I had always hated a razor, usually very quickly became bone. Therefore I often took my skin open, and the stubble were also visible. Also arose after small wounds that became infected. Very often, so I had those red bumps and I could not in the summer for example, two consecutive days shaving. Two days in a row go to the beach so there was really not for me. Because it did not look fresh. With Depilator is my problem. Since I use it, I never irritate my skin and I can enjoy hairless everywhere, without me having to worry about the annoying bumps.


Kyra 25 years

Too long have I pondered the Depilator to buy but did not think it really was worth it. Well I had much rather be doing! I have hair on my arms a lot, they are light in color, but very long. Thus making them very conspicuous. When a woman is obviously not very attractive. I tried many times to shorter hair with scissors, but that usually does not go so well. In this way to cut some hairs were much shorter than the others. Everything seemed to shave me no solution, since they are longer and thicker would come back. And by the resins, would later come stubble, which the poor is certainly very ugly and prickly to the touch. With the enclosed piece of Depilator, I can finally my hair even shorter. Now I no longer ashamed of my men'''' hairy arms because Depilator has really helped me get rid of it.


Chantal from Haarlem

Depilator is really ideal for the hair into a certain shape to shave. Because it is so small, you can easily access everything without too much hair to take off. Straight lines will make it very easy, while the normally almost impossible with an ordinary razor blade. So I always had trouble finding a right indent to shave. He was always at the bottom or just the top narrower than I wanted and that was really no face. When I asked to my friend, he managed not to get it right. With Depilator can do that with ease. So it has never been right. Depilator has shaving a lot easier and in proportion ie much cheaper than most good razors.


Ilona from Amsterdam

I am not a fulltime graduate stylist, but do it more for the hobby. Before that, I also take a course to follow. Many family members therefore ask whether I want to cut their child. So often I cut my nephew and who ever wants those figures in his hair. With clippers or a knife hairdressers is unfortunately not easy by the few experience, but after using Depilator is always satisfied my nephew out the door.

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